October 10, 2011 by St. Eugene | Posted In:Uncategorized
Believe It! Promo Spanish Promo [3 minute] from Loyola Productions on Vimeo. Interviews and testimonies from leaders in our community about the strength and value of Catholic Education.
October 10, 2011 by St. Eugene | Posted In:Uncategorized
Believe It! PSA (4-Minute) from Loyola Productions on Vimeo. Listen to respected leaders in the church and civic community talk about the contribution and academic success of Catholic schools, especially in Los Angeles.
October 10, 2011 by St. Eugene | Posted In:Uncategorized
Believe It! PSA (1-Minute) from Loyola Productions on Vimeo. Share this video with friends and families. Learn about Catholic schools and the rich values and traditions that give to our children.