Are you or someone you know interested in a Catholic School, but need financial assistance? NEI may be the program for you! This year our school has been selected to participate in a unique financial aid program through the Catholic Education Foundation (CEF). The New Enrollment Initiative (NEI) program provides new qualifying families with a… read more »
Good morning! We understand that there is a Zoom issue on the East Coast and made its way to Chicago and Texas. As of now, the West Coast seems to be alright. Nonetheless, we have a back up plan in the event that Zoom connections are lost. Please refer to your Remind app for specific… read more »
Our Teachers wasted no time in getting back to the swing of things. School is in session at St. Eugene! TK/Kindergarten Teacher, Ms. Thomas! 1st Grade Teacher, Ms. Elam! 2nd Grade Teacher, Mr. Davis! 3rd Grade Teacher, Mr. Mancilla! 4th Grade Teacher, Mrs. Nelson! 5th Grade Teacher, Mr. Powers! 6th Grade Teacher, Mr. Scroggins! 7th… read more »
We’re so excited to begin the school year! You should have received your Recurring Classroom Zoom Link from your child’s teacher, either through Remind, email, Schoolspeak, or during parent orientation. If you have not, please email Dr. Kingsby at If you have yet to pick up your child’s textbooks, please schedule a day and… read more »
HOPE TO SEE YOU TONIGHT! 7TH GRADE INFORMATION: Danielle Scott is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Topic: ELA Zoom Meeting Time: This is a recurring meeting Meet anytime Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 736 2063 2551 Passcode: ELA2020 8TH GRADE INFORMATION Ahmad Taylor is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Topic:… read more »
HOPE TO SEE YOU THERE! Ellis Powers is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Topic: My Meeting Time: Aug 13, 2020 05:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada) Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 844 2114 0384 Passcode: grade 5 Marcus Scroggins is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Topic: Parent Orientation Time:… read more »